Kids at Madison Church of Christ


we LOVE kids at Madison Church of Christ.  we host Sunday school programming, activities, and annual events like VBS to teach them about God's word and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  


Sunday School

At Sunday School, our kids do crafts, learn bible stories, and talk about how to live life like God wants us to.  Sunday School starts at 9:00 AM and the classrooms are downstairs, on the west side of the church basement.  At 10:00am, when our Sunday school classes get out, we send them to "more than coffee" time with the rest of the church in the fellowship room.  there are always snacks, breakfast food, juice, and coffee. 

Sunday School Classes

  • Littles (Age 2-preschool)

  • Middles (Kindergarten-2nd grade)

  • Juniors (3rd grade - 5th grade)

  • Teens (6th - 12th grade)

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VBS (Vacation Bible School)

VBS is the highlight of our kids ministry year.  grade school children from the community come to Madison Church of Christ for a week of mornings filled with teaching, crafts, games, songs, and general crazyness.   The Awesome volunteers at Madison Church put on a fantastic show and our church is visually transformed into a themed fun-house for the week.  Consider sending your kids to our VBS this summer,  or consider helping us host this very special week.  You can see a gallery page from our 2017 VBS by clicking the link below


Kids Zone

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on the 2nd Sunday of each month,  Children at Madison (ages 4 and up) will be dismissed before the sermon to go downstairs and learn a lesson crafted to their age.  we will post a sign in the lobby each kid-zone Sunday and announce when it is time for them to head downstairs during the service.