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Student Ministries

Madison Church offers high school and jr. High students a place to belong and grow in their faith.  Our student ministries include youth group on Sunday nights,  Teenager Sunday school before church, and trips / service projects occasionally throughout the year.  many of our announcements, photos, and discussions occur on our "Madison Youth" facebook page.  this is a closed group,  so just click the link below and request to join :-) 

Madison Youth Facebook Group



Youth Group

Nearly every Sunday night, at 6:00pm, our high school and Jr. high students meet together at the parsonage (across the street from the church) for food, games, and bible study. 



Sunday School

Every Sunday our high school and Jr. High students meet in the "castle room" at the top of the staircase for Sunday School at 9:00 AM.  from there we go down to "more than coffee" at 10:00 to eat and chat, and our worship service then starts at 10:30.


Trips / Service Projects

our student ministries frequently have fun service projects and trips scheduled around the year, so that we can spend time together, and serve God's kingdom.  the picture above is from our 2017 Upper Iowa River wilderness adventure.  in 2018 we're looking forward to going to MEXICO to build a house! click the button below to learn more about that