Staff @ Madison church of christ

at Madison Church we affirm the reformation credo of the "priesthood of all believers." In a very real sense we are all staff in the the body of Christ,  the community of God's resurrection people.  We've all got important work to do together in Christ's Kingdom.  The staff listed below have offices at Madison Church and serve under the direction of the Church's elders and board.

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Pastor - Joel Nielsen

Joel came to Madison Church of Christ in March 2017.  Joel and Markie have been married since 2008 and have three children, Jack, Henry & Daphne.  Joel graduated from Nebraska Christian College in 2009 with a B.A. in Pastoral Ministry and completed his graduate studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL.  Joel has previously served as a youth pastor at First Christian Church in Blair, NE, and as a chaplain candidate in the United States Army Reserves.

Phone: (402) 278-2669 (text or call)


Worship Director - Brianna Erickson

Brianna came on staff at Madison Church of Christ in 2012.  Brianna and Brady have been married since 2008 and their children are Clara, Micaiah, and Jovie.  Brianna graduated from Nebraska Christian college with a B.A. in Worship Arts.

Phone: (641) 888-0372

